Creating an atmosphere of worship that will empower and expand the kingdom of God.

Creating an atmosphere of worship

In scripture, we read about accounts where worship changed situations. We can read about how David played the harp for Saul which caused the evil spirit to leave Saul. In 2 Chronicles chapter 20, we read about how Jehoshaphat and all of Judah were surrounded by their enemy. God told them to go out and face them. He didn’t tell them to fight. He told them to praise. It was because of this that their enemy destroyed one another in confusion. An atmosphere of worship changes things. God can do great things when the body of Christ is joined in a true attitude of worship.

Empowering the kingdom of God

When we create an atmosphere of worship, the Devil is pushed back. Those are the times that God loves to pour into us every thing we will need to keep advancing against the kingdom of darkness. We gain spiritual strength and encouragement. We also gain that fire to expand the kingdom of God.

Expanding the kingdom of God

The Great Commission is not a request. It was a command that Jesus gave his disciples. As modern-day followers of Jesus, we are also commanded to fulfill the Great Commission. Fulfilling the Great Commission expands the kingdom of God. We strive to add not just one, but as many as we can to the kingdom of God.